Good MBA admissions essays get read. Great MBA admissions essays get interviews.
Admit Success knows what makes a great essay because we know what Admission Committees are looking for and what they’ve already seen too much of. We will only “finalize” great admissions essays because we’re committed to the sometimes arduous process that has been predominantly successful in getting admissions committees at the world’s top business schools to sit up and take notice – and then send out an invitation to interview.
We help spin your story to align your personal and professional experiences with your future career objectives and we do it in a way that helps you stand-out from the crowd.
We apply insights honed through years of admissions consulting experience, corporate communications know-how and a constant finger on the pulse of an evolving global applicant pool to ensure you’re being presented in a way that illustrates your fit, passion, realistic goals and ability to handle a rigorous curriculum while adding value to an MBA program’s community as a student and alumnus.
Our two most popular essay packages are not limited by time constraints or revision cycles. What this means is that if you sign up for one of these packages Admit Success is with you through the entire essay editing process until we arrive at a FINAL that will grab the admissions committee’s attention.
MBA Essay Consultation Package
- If you’re confident in your writing abilities but have trouble thinking about “What Matters Most” or finding that one suitable “Failure”- this is where to begin.
Full School MBA Admissions Edit Only Essays Package
- Our Full-School Edit package includes unlimited revision cycles for every essay required by your school(s) of choice. The price is per school, regardless of the number of essays.
Have questions? Call our NYC office now and we’ll answer them.