Frequently Asked MBA Admissions Questions
MBA Admissions Consultants Carol Grayson and Peter Roberto give sought-after answers to questions most asked by new clients.
Q: I currently work in Hong Kong. Does that present a problem in working with you?
A: Not at all. Our clients are international and at any given moment we are working in different time zones. Skype, phone and email have become the standard mode of doing business and provide great flexibility for anyone considering applying to business school.
Q: Do you offer essay writing services?
A: We do not. Having worked in business school admissions I can confidently state that schools easily recognize when a candidate’s admission essays are not original. This is another reason why the admissions interview plays such an important role -schools can ascertain if the candidate sitting across the table is the same as the one on paper.
Q: Is there a difference in how one applies to an international program as opposed to a domestic school?
A: There is a difference between any school regardless of whether it’s international or domestic. Our process is not a one-size-fits-all solution. As every MBA program has a unique character, close attention is paid to ensure each business school is approached with a strategy that appeals to that character.
Q: Two years ago I was dinged by my school of choice, is it worth reapplying?
A: Depends on the business school and how your candidacy has evolved since you were rejected. The decision to reapply to an MBA program needs to be discussed on a school-by-school basis, taking into consideration the school’s current view on re-applicants, increased professional responsibilities, additional community service involvement and what your recommenders may now be able to say about leadership skills.
Q: Do you guarantee admission?
A: We do not. No one should.
Q: I’m pretty bright and don’t think I need much help with the application process, but I want to be sure I submit a great application- what can you do for me?
A: We offer a variety of hourly services and packages ranging from an overall review of your admissions essays and letters of recommendation, to interview training sessions. Our advice to anyone seeking these services is straightforward- if you’re looking for peace of mind when applying to business school, contact us early.
Q: How big a part do GMAT’s play in admission decisions?
A: GMAT’s play a part in the overall admission checklist and they matter for 2 reasons;
1 – They’re an easy way for business schools to narrow the field of applicants from an absurdly long list to a semi-ridiculous list.
2- GMAT’s can make a difference if you have a mediocre GPA or non-quant job.
Q: I’m graduating this spring from XYWS. What are my chances of getting accepted to business school directly from university?
A: Very few schools offer this as a viable possibility, with HBS, Yale and Stanford being the top exceptions! If you feel you have the maturity and knowledge to contribute to classroom and group discussions, then go for it. We never recommend going straight from University to Business School just to “get the MBA out of the way”. Your B-school experience should be healthy mix of hard-work, competition, team-work and FUN. It would be shame to lose out on any of those things because you’re intimidated by your peers’ professional experience in comparison to your own.
Q: Do you offer help with GMAT prep?
A: We do not, but we can recommend a few places that offer excellent tutoring.
Q: How important is the interview?
A; It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Being offered an interview means the school is interested in you, it doesn’t mean you’ve been accepted. Schools use interviews for a number of reasons: to ascertain if you’re a candidate they would want as a future ambassador of the institution, to see if you’re able to articulate your ideas clearly and most important- how you will fit in and contribute to their community in and out of the classroom.
Contact Carol and Peter to set up a complimentary consultation.